Saturday, February 20, 2010

Prologue from Broken Spirits Lost Souls continues...

Dear Readers,

There was a break in the action, but in order to reach the goal of delivering the Prologue from 'BSLS' so you can get the drift for 'The Boarder' then I must continue...

"These are the behaviors I recall and the approximate age they first came to my awareness. I still don't know if any of the behaviors below have disappeared:

Between four months until his second birthday, Quinn:
• refused to be controlled, threw tantrums when activities changed
• bit my neck or collar bone when held close to be consoled
• had screaming nightmares which woke him from a sound sleep
• would not follow directions and demonstrated no desire to please
• refused to stay in crib/bed and wandered the house at night. **

During Quinn’s second and third year he:
• made poor eye contact except when angry, lying, or wanted something
• methodically set his siblings up to hit him
• punched, kicked, hit other children
• bit siblings and drew blood
• set siblings up to take the blame for his actions
• stole, gorged, and hid food, stole from siblings and mother
• lied including “crazy lying”; ex. “I’m not doing ___” as we observed it
• hour-long temper tantrums, destruction of rooms rather than cooperate
• intentionally urinated in own and siblings’ beds, on their clothing
• refused to follow teachers’ instructions at preschool
• disrupted class—climbing on desks and bookshelves, kicking books to floor
• played in camp fires, had fascination with fire and gore
• broke own toys and blamed others, broke others’ toys
• shrieked as if being beaten when corrected or told “no”
• whined and wailed when siblings physically touched him."

Long and tedious, huh? I'm sorry, but I think that in order to see what attachment disorders look like in homes, my description is necessary. Soon we'll be through the basic behaviors then will move on to something more current. Hang in there.

Blessings. Jane

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Hello, Friends,

I'm interrupting my sorta routine to tell you about a program on CNN's Anderson Cooper tonight. Interestingly, it was about adopted kids who were too dangerous to remain in their homes.

Two families were interviewed, both had sent their boys to the special 'Ranch for Kids' in Montana because of their dangerous and threatening behaviors. One couple was determined to have their son eventually return to them, while the other mother felt she needed to give her child up for safety reasons.

As I watched I could relate to both families because I'd had the same feelings about my disturbed children at one time or another. What a total heartbreak for the children and for their families that love them.

I also thought what interesting timing Coopers piece is... especially since I'm up to my eyes in pre-production preparations to film 'The Boarder' in Ravenna this coming July. Although I've believed for ages that there has never been enough information out there about attachment disorders, watching the interviews I became even more convinced that is still the case.

A few professionals have known about Reactive Attachment Disorder and it's lesser forms for 30 years. It's time for us to get on board and get to work informing the masses about this terrible problem far too many children and families experience.

I am soooo grateful to those who have hopped on 'The Boarder' train and are doing what they can to help disturbed children and the families who love them. Please join us! Drop me a note at and I'll answer all your letters.

In the meantime, blessings to you and good night.


Friday, February 5, 2010

Back in action...

Dear Readers,

I haven't written a word on here for about two weeks. The cinematographer for 'The Boarder' movie came to Nebraska to do some of the pre-production work. Carmen Cabana is an incredibly talented woman from Venezuela/Columbia who's been living in LA for the past 5 years and continuing to develop her amazing talents.

When Carmen showed me samples of her work I could barely speak... wow! I'm so greatful that she's as excited to work on my project as I am to have her! Because she's so experienced, even at her young age, she's helping update the movie website and all things related to the production of 'The Boarder' movie.

So, please hang in there with us. Soon this website and all our links will be available and will be there to keep you up-to-date on what's happening in Ravenna, NE, site of the filming, and behind the scenes.

In the meantime, take care and we'll stay in touch.
