Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Hello, Friends,

I'm interrupting my sorta routine to tell you about a program on CNN's Anderson Cooper tonight. Interestingly, it was about adopted kids who were too dangerous to remain in their homes.

Two families were interviewed, both had sent their boys to the special 'Ranch for Kids' in Montana because of their dangerous and threatening behaviors. One couple was determined to have their son eventually return to them, while the other mother felt she needed to give her child up for safety reasons.

As I watched I could relate to both families because I'd had the same feelings about my disturbed children at one time or another. What a total heartbreak for the children and for their families that love them.

I also thought what interesting timing Coopers piece is... especially since I'm up to my eyes in pre-production preparations to film 'The Boarder' in Ravenna this coming July. Although I've believed for ages that there has never been enough information out there about attachment disorders, watching the interviews I became even more convinced that is still the case.

A few professionals have known about Reactive Attachment Disorder and it's lesser forms for 30 years. It's time for us to get on board and get to work informing the masses about this terrible problem far too many children and families experience.

I am soooo grateful to those who have hopped on 'The Boarder' train and are doing what they can to help disturbed children and the families who love them. Please join us! Drop me a note at theboardermovie@gmail.com and I'll answer all your letters.

In the meantime, blessings to you and good night.


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